So… Resolutions… Here goes

be more organised
Although throughout the year I go through many lists, I think I should be even more productive and attempt to do more things in my day and organise the days better so that I’m not wasting time. Leading on to my next point nicely.

become a morning person
I can tell this will be difficult and i don’t plan to wake up everyday at 6am and do yoga, but just to wake up earlier and make the most of my day.

learn to put my phone down
I’m not the type of person who is glued to my phone at all times, but when there is an awkward situation I do tend to reach for it. What i aim to do to avoid that, is to simply just talk to people more. Be the one to maybe start a conversation, and show that I’m happy to talk to someone even if I’m really trying to remember where i put my phone.

friday free day
All TV shows that I love will just be watched on Friday, this way I make myself work on the other days. (An exception to this when I have exams, the TV shows will have to wait…)

love myself
Although it sounds quite vain, I’ve never truly been happy with how I look and I think I need to stop caring about what other people want me to do and just do whatever I feel is right. I could go further into this but I’ll keep it short and save it for another blog perhaps.

That concludes it then, my resolutions.
I hope you all have a great year!

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